Therefore, I thank the university administration and other stake holders in their respective capacities for the tireless effort put in to see this mighty university grow at a high speed. Allow me thank the student fraternity for choosing university of saint joseph as your first priority and I encourage all students that are yet to complete their A-level studies and those who wish to upper grade in different courses, university of saint joseph is the better place for your success. More so allow me extend a vote of thanks to the guild cabinet and guild councilors for good work done towards the maturing and service rendered to the university and may the almighty reward you abundantly. Lastly we thank all the parents, guardians, charity organizations and other foundations who have entrusted us with their students and those who are planning to do so especially after visiting our website. We highly welcome you and we are ready to do our best.
Thank you and may the almighty protect you and grant you peace. We look forward to receiving you. May God bless you and we say EBENE-ZAR (this is how far the lord has brought us

Administrative Functions of the USJM Students Guild Executive
Duties of the Guild President
The Guild President shall:
Be the Executive Head of the USJM Students’ Guild Preside over executive meetings Nominate members of the Executive (Ministers) to specific ministries, for consideration by the GRC based on presented justifications approval of which shall be a simple majority vote. In conjunction with the Minister(s) concerned, forward resolutions passed by the GRC to the University Authorities for their attention and possible action. Have power to reshuffle, suspend or dismiss a member(s) of the Executive on grounds of grave indiscipline, insubordination, incompetence, abscondment from duty and/or any other misconduct deemed injurious to the good name of the Guild and the university, in accordance with Article 10, clause 2. Be a co-signatory to all Guild financial transactions. In the event of temporary absence of a member of the Executive, delegate the duties of such an absent member to any member of the Cabinet except when the absent member is the Minister of Finance, the President himself/herself shall be in the charge of the duties of the Minister. Be an ex-officio member of the Guild committees but a full member of the Guild Disciplinary Committee. Have a casting vote and an original vote during Executive and GRC meetings. Be the official spokesperson of the GRC in the University. Represent the GRC in the University Council meetings, Senate meetings and any other organs as specified by USJM regulations, constitution, Universities and other Tertiary Institutions Act. Have powers to call emergency meetings of the executive and in consultation with the Dean of Students, and University Legal Advisor; take emergency decisions on behalf of the Guild in extra-ordinary circumstances but shall seek ratification of the Executive and GRC at their next meetings. Nominate students‟ representative to the University Council from the GRC Such a Representative shall be of opposite sex to that of the President. Be one of the students‟ representatives on the University Council
The Vice PresidentThe Vice President Shall:
Act as the President in his/her approved absence if lasting more than 30 calendar days, or The president is absent from a scheduled/unscheduled meeting/event of the Guild/USJM where he/she is expected to preside or participate. Assist by taking duties assigned to him or her by the President. Coordinate and oversee student ministerial committee activities and any other Guild Standing Committees. Co-ordinate the affairs of registered clubs, associations and societies in liaison with the Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs.
General Secretary
General Secretary Shall:
Be the Secretary and Clerk to the Guild Representative Council. Communicate internally on all official Guild matters. Be responsible for convening council sessions. Call all normal meetings of the GRC in consultation with the speaker. Be the Secretary; keep minutes and records of the GRC and Guild General Assembly. Be responsible for the Guild office and the Guild Chambers. Draw up the agenda of meetings in consultation with the Speaker. Ensure that copies of the confirmed minutes of GRC meetings are available in print, in the library and to the University Authorities within one week from the date of confirmation. Be an Ex-Officio Member of the GRC working committees. Report regularly to the Students‟ Guild on the progress of GRC. Not have the right to vote. Delegate official duties to the Deputy General Secretary.
The Deputy General Secretary
The Deputy General Secretary Shall:Deputize the General Secretary. Act for the General Secretary when he/she is absent.
The Minister for Social, Campus & Off Campus Affairs.
The Minister Shall:
Be a member of the Student/Staff Consultative Committee Be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the amenities and facilities on Campus. Contact the University Management from time to time with regard to the welfare of Students. Contact any other body or bodies on the campus that may have interest in the student Welfare. Liaise with the University Management on security, traffic and other related matters. Co-ordinate/oversee booking for social activities and entertainments that fall within the Jurisdiction of the Guild on the Campus. Be responsible for all Guild entertainment and communication equipment. Organize all entertainment for or under any ministry. Keep an up to date University entertainment calendar. Be responsible for entertainment of Guild guests and work hand in hand with the Minister for
Finance and any other concerned Minister on this matter. Give financial account to the Finance Committee at the end of every entertainment Function. Co-ordinate and supervise activities of the Social Affairs Committee. Take on any other responsibility as may be assigned by the Guild President Work closely with Chairpersons of Students National Associations to help promote Interests
and address problems being faced by Students. Be responsible for all matters concerning Off-Campus students, such as: hostel accommodation, transport to Campus, etc.
The Minister for FinanceThe Minister for Finance shall:
Be a member of the Finance Committee. Receive and remit Guild finances on behalf of the Guild in accordance with this Constitution. Be a co-signatory to all Guild financial transactions. Requisition for funds from the University for Guild Activities. Seek advice on Guild financial affairs from the Finance Committee, University Bursar, Dean of Students and act accordingly. Keep the accounts of the Guild and prepare them for audit by the University Auditor. In collaboration with the Executive, draw up a balance sheet each semester and present it to the Finance Committee and GRC and give a copy to the Dean of Students. Acknowledge receipt of all Guild subscriptions from the University Bursar and report the amount to the GRC. Take on any other responsibility as may be assigned by the Guild President.
The Minister for Information, Mobilization, Communication and TransportThe Minister shall:
Be a member of the Committee for Information, Mobilization, Communication and Transport. Be the chairperson of the editorial committee. Be responsible for the Guild official news and the production of official publications Together with the Chief Editor, edit the official publications of the Guild. Nominate the Chief Editor but seek approval of the GRC. Be responsible for announcements and display of posters. Be responsible for transport arrangements for all Guild activities. Be responsible for receiving and distributing students‟ University Email accounts. Be responsible for mobilizing students to participate in Guild, national and international Student’s activities. Link the students‟ GRC to external media organization as may be required from time to time. Address students‟ grievances in alliance with the relevant Ministers and University
Administration. Take on any other responsibility as may be assigned by the Guild President.
The Minister for Health and Environmental Protection
The Minister shall:
Be a member of the Committee for Health and Environmental Protection Committee. Liaise with the University Medical Centre on health issues relating to students. Be responsible for matters affecting the health of the students and conservation of the University environment. During Emergencies and Night hours report health cases to the nurse(s) on duty where possible. Work in liaison with other health and environmental protection organs at institutional, National and international levels for purposes of promoting health standards and Environmental protection. Organize workshops and seminars on health and environmental awareness. Co-ordinate the Wildlife Club and USJM Environmental Education and Management Association activities. Be responsible for issues concerning students with disabilities. Alert students of any likely health concerns like epidemic, food poisoning and poor hygiene. Liaise the GRC with bodies interested in student health and hygiene. Liaise with University Management in handling emergency health cases. Visit students‟ hostels, assess their health conditions, and report to the relevant University Authorities. Take on any other responsibility as may be assigned by the Guild President. Publish articles on health awareness and the Environment in the Guild Press.
The Minister for Academic & Professional affairs.
The Minister for Academic & Professional affairs shall:
Be a member of the Academic and Professional Affairs Committee. Be responsible for the academic welfare of the students. Liaise with the Academic Registrar’s office in respect of students’ academic and professional affairs. Work with Academic Registrar’s office in matters related to syllabi, examinations, timetables, library, lecture rooms and laboratory facilities. In line with University Regulations forward issues of students‟ interests to the Ministry of Education or any other organization. Organize workshops, seminars and other educational programs on different professional Codes relevant to the students of the University. Take on any other responsibility as may be assigned by the Guild President.
Minister for Gender and Cultural Affairs
Be a member of the Gender and Cultural Affairs Committee. Be responsible for all matters concerning Gender and Culture. Organize both internal and external seminars for the students. Ensure that students are aware of their human rights and work to promote, defend and protect them. Organize activities that can empower students: politically, socially and economically. In conjunction with the wardens, handle the moral and social welfare issues of all students at the University. Be responsible for cultural activities of students. Take on any other responsibility as may be assigned by the Guild President.
The Minister for Justice Affairs and constitutional affairs.
The Minister for Justice Affairs and constitutional affairs shall:
Be a member of the Justice and Constitutional Affairs Committee. Be an Ex-officio member of the Disciplinary Committees. Ensure that the constitution is adhered to by the members of the Guild. Ensure that students‟ rights are protected and that students carry out their responsibilities Ensure that Justice is exercised on the campus. Be Chairperson of the Guild Disciplinary Committee. Take on any other responsibility as may be assigned by the Guild President.
The Minister for Religious affairs.
The Minister for Religious Affairs shall,
Be a member of the Religious affairs committee. Be a fully baptized, confirmed catholic. In conjunction with the University Chaplaincy, participate and organize religious activities at the university. Take on any other responsibility as may be assigned by the Guild President
The Minister for Games and Sports
The Minister for Games and Sports shall:
Be the chairperson of games Union. Liaise with the games tutor on matters pertaining to games and sports Organize and co-ordinate all activities concerning sports and games The Minister of Recess affairs: Co-ordinate recess students’ affairs. Report to the president and GRC about challenges facing recess students.
The Games Union
The Games Union shall in conjunction with the Office of the Dean of Students, participate in the running of games and sports activities at USJM. The Chairperson of the Games Union shall present a report to the GRC. The Games Union Chairperson shall not be eligible for appointment to a ministerial post. The games Union shall consist of all captains of all recognized sporting activities under the general supervision of the sports tutor in collaboration with the Minister for Sports and Games. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the Games Union shall be administered in accordance with the Games Union Constitution.
Guild Representative Council (GRC)
The GRC:
Approves the Guild Executive nominated by the Guild President. The GRC is the legislature of the Guild. Concerns itself with the matter of any students’ society or any organization in the University, which shall have been approved by the University administration for the benefit of the majority of the students. Sanctions and approves the policies of the Executive. Moves a vote of no confidence in the President or any Member of the Executive or any students’ representatives. Deliberates on all matters that affect members of the Guild and resolve on measures to be taken by the Executive. Elects Guild delegates, representatives and observers to conferences. Makes and upholds the GRC code of conduct. Elects Chairpersons and other members from the Guild for each of the Guild Committees except for the Guild Disciplinary Committee. Approves the Electoral Commission members. Summons any member of the Executive for required information. Elects standing and Adhoc committees. Meets at least three times a semester to discuss matters of general student interest and USJM Guild Policy.
The Guild Speaker:
Is elected amongst GRC representatives by the GRC at its first sitting. Calls and presides over meetings of the GRC and the General Assembly in Consultation with the President. Is a member of the Petition Tribunal. Holds office until the end of the last GRC meeting following the general elections. Keeps roll call of attendance of GRC meetings. Has the powers to punish for late coming, absenteeism, misconduct and/or use of unparliamentarily language during the GRC proceedings in accordance with the Constitution. Dissolves the GRC at least two weeks before the presidential elections. Has a casting vote and an original vote during GRC meetings.
The Deputy Guild Speaker:
Be a Guild Representative. Deputize the Speaker when he/she is absent. Perform all duties as may be delegated by the Speaker.
Guild Representative(s)
Attend all GRC meetings in person unless he or she is indisposed and has given due notice to the General Secretary of at least 24 hours with the exception of an emergency. Forward students’ views and grievances to the GRC. Represent the Guild as a delegate or representative in any of the GRC’s undertakings within or outside the University when called upon to do so by the Executive. Assist the Executive in any way when called upon. Disseminate policies and decisions taken by the GRC and the Executive to the students’ body.
Guild Representatives’ Rights
Participate fully in the proceedings of the GRC. Freely express his or her opinion in an acceptable manner. Make use of the Guild facilities on official matters relating to the University.
Duties of the Guild Executive
Be responsible for the running of the day to day Guild affairs. Collectively be responsible to the Guild. Initiate policies and carry them out after approval by the GRC and/or the University Authorities. Submit decisions of the GRC to the University authorities and hold discussions as may be deemed necessary by the University Authorities. Have powers to deal with emergency matters but shall report to and seek approval of the GRC at its next meeting.