Dear students,
These are the University of Saint Joseph Mbarara (USJM) student rules and guidelines. They shall be applied in line with the laws of Uganda and in accordance with the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, 2001 (as amended).
As members of the USJM community, we are expected to uphold the values of the University and exercise responsibility, honesty, respect and integrity in all circumstances
All students of USJM, whether within or outside the university premises shall be required to comply with these rules. Any member of the University community has the obligation to report to the authorities any breach of this code of conduct, whenever and wherever it occurs.
It is the responsibility of each student to read and understand this guide.
I welcome you to USJM and wish you the best in your academic journey.

Rules & Regulations
These rules shall be referred to as the University of Saint Joseph Mbarara Student Rules (hereinafter referred to as “student rules.”)
1. Citation
These rules shall be referred to as the University of Saint Joseph
Mbarara Student Rules (hereinafter referred to as “student
2. Application
- These rules shall apply to all students of university of Saint Joseph Mbarara
- These rules shall not exclude:
- The application and enforcement of the Laws of Uganda in relation to any matter concerning a student or group of students;
- The application of any rules and regulations as may be from time to time, in place pertaining to the use of the Library, Laboratory or any other facility of the University.
- Every student duly registered to the University shall at all times, whether within or outside University premises, comply with these rules and any other rules of the University, faculty, department, Library, Laboratory or any other facility of the University and any associated or partnering institution.
- Every student shall be required to sign a document to the effect that he/she agrees to comply with the USJM regulations.
3. Definitions and Interpretation
Unless the context otherwise requires, for purposes of these rules;- Council: Governing Council - the supreme organ of the University of Saint Joseph Mbarara(USJM)
- Responsible officer: Any member of staff as the responsible of performing (a) specific task(s)
- Student: A student duly admitted to an academic or research program at the University, whether registered or not.
- Student (General) Rules: The University of Saint Joseph Mbarara Student (General) Rules.
- University: University of Saint Joseph Mbarara.
4. General standards of conduct
- Every student shall at all times exhibit respect for him or herself, fellow students, staff including teaching and non- teaching staff and all persons in Authority and in the community near and far.
- No student shall conduct him/herself in a manner that tarnishes or brings into disrepute the name and image of the University.
- Students shall at all times observe proper dress code and general standards of decency.
- Every student shall at all times uphold the values of the University.
- Students shall observe general principles of privacy and avoid conduct that infringes on one’s right to privacy.
5. Student Reporting
Students joining the University for the first time shall report on the
official University appointed date.
Any student unable to report on the appointed date shall immediately
inform the relevant University authorities (such as the Academic
Registrar) not later than two weeks from the appointed date of
Failure to comply with this rule shall lead to rescission of admission
6. Registration with the University
- All students admitted to the University shall ensure they are duly registered with the University within the time prescribed for registration.
- Students that fail or neglect to register within the prescribed time shall not be permitted to access University facilities and may suffer penalties for late registration as may be prescribed in other University rules.
7. Impersonation or Falsification of Documents
- A student who impersonates another person or presents forged of falsified documents to the university commits a criminal offence for which he/she shall be prosecuted.
- The University reserves the right to rescind admission and registration of a student who impersonates another person or presents forged or falsified documents
8. Identity Cards
- Each student must have an identity card, obtainable from the Academic Registrar's office
- A student who loses his/her identity card must report immediately to the police, after which the Academic Registrar shall be informed. The concerned students shall pay the required fee for a new card.
9. Change of Names
- The official names shall remain the same as those on the academic documents.
10. Time Management
- All students shall be ready to start University functions on the official University appointed time on the first day of the semester. All students must manage and plan their time accordingly. Late coming and absenteeism shall be deemed an offense.
11. Attendance Requirements
- Every Student shall meet the prescribed attendance or other requirements for the program to which he or she has been admitted. In all cases, the attendance requirements shall not be below 80% of the total hours scheduled for a course or subject in a semester.
- Students that are unable to attend lectures on medical grounds or for any other reason shall inform the Dean of the Faculty to which they belong and provide supporting evidence
- Students participating in University activities, such as sports and any other University activities that require them to be away for extended periods of time, shall do so subject to approval of the relevant University officer overseeing the activity.
- Any student who fails to comply with this rule shall not qualify for a Certificate of Due Performance and will, therefore, not be eligible to sit for University examinations.
12. Halls/Places of Residence
- All students renting personal accommodation shall make sure that they pay their rent on the agreed terms with their landlords.
- Students shall exhibit acceptable behaviour at all times during their tenancy.
- Students shall inform the University about their area of residence on the registration form.
13. Payment of Tuition, Fees and Dues
- Payment of tuition and other University fees shall be in accordance with the schedule provided by USJM as agreed with the parent/guardian.
- Any other payments due to the University shall be paid as communicated to the students
- A student who is a debtor to the USJM or has not fully paid all USJM dues, may not be allowed to access certain services, and shall not be allowed to sit examination(s) and/or to receive and USJM award.
14. University Property and Equipment
- Every student shall exercise the highest standard of caution in the handling University Property so as to avoid possible damage.
- Unnecessary writing on the walls, furniture, posting notices on the wall, posters and destroying the environment is prohibited.
- Willful or negligent damage to University property constitutes an offence punishable as determined by the disciplinary committee.
- All furniture, fittings and other property of the University shall not be moved from its proper or designated place, altered or disposed of without the consent of the officer of the University responsible for that property
- All equipment of the University shall be used in accordance with the rules or policies governing the use of such equipment
- Students who need to use University equipment outside regular or scheduled times shall seek permission from the relevant officer of the University.
15. University Premises and Facilities
- Students shall access University premises and facilities for purposes of attending lectures, University ceremonies and events, conducting research and other activities related to their academic or research programmes.
- Access to and use of University premises shall be in accordance with the University rules and policies on opening and closing hours, health and safety, and any other requirements relating to the use of the premises or facilities
- Use of University premises for students to private meetings or any other activity shall be subjected to express authority granted by the relevant officer of the University.
- Access to and use of the University library shall be in accordance with the University library rules
- Access to and use of laboratories shall be subject to supervision and in accordance with the University rules on access to and use of laboratories.
- No student shall enter or be granted access to restricted premises and facilities of the University.
- No student shall authorise, let or sub-let, rent or sub-rent any premises of facilities of the University.
- No student or group of students shall use University premises or facilities for any purpose that disrupts properly scheduled University activities
- Information technology(IT) facilities shall be used in accordance with relevant University policies
- University students shall observe environmental protection in application to Laudota Si.
16. Financial Impropriety
- Any student or student leader who misappropriates funds of the University or a duly recognised student association or body commits an offence and shall be liable to disciplinaryaction in accordance with these rules.
17. Alcohol, Substance and Drug Abuse
- Alcohol, substance and drug abuse are prohibited.
- The University shall take appropriate measures to deal with students suspected to be engaged in alcohol, substance, and drug abuse. These measures shall include:
- Investigation,
- Counselling,
- Caution,
- Warning,
- Directing the student to undergo rehabilitation,
- Suspension, and/or
- Dismissal where conduct related to alcohol, drug and substance abuse poses risks for other students and the University community
18. Student Activities
- Students activities, including meetings, gatherings, assemblies, rallies, parties, dances, festivals, and any other activity that is non-academic shall not be held on University premises without express authority from the relevant officer of the University,
- Students organising and participating in any of the activities in rule (a) shall observe the prescribed time frames for holding such activities and shall ensure that the activities are orderly and do not disrupt scheduled University activities and do not result in injury to persons or damage to property.
- No student shall represent the USJM outside the University without permission from the relevant authority.
- Students shall obtain authority from Management or Univeristy responsible officer in a written form.
19. Health, Safety and Security
- Students shall at all times observe health, safety and security guidelines in relation to use of premises and facilities of the University as well as exercise vigilance and report any activity or matter that may pose a risk to the health, safety and security of students and the University community.
- Firearms and any other harmful weapons, such as knives, bows and arrows shall not be allowed on the University premises.
- Students shall comply with security measures set by the University.
20. Correspondence and Communication Channels
- All official correspondences by students to government or anywhere outside the USJM, both within and outside Uganda shall be channelled through the Dean of Students/responsible officer, except if the matters concern the Dean of Students/responsible officer. In that case, the correspondence shall be channelled through the Academic Registrar.
- No student or group of students shall print, publish, disseminate, or otherwise circulate any false or fabricated information about the Univeristy and/or its authorities including addressing a press conference or holding a talk show.
- No student shall print or issue any anonymous letter, circular or document about USJM issues.
- Any student or group of students with a complaint or issues that they wish to bring to the attention of management shall use appropriate communication channels that include but are not limited to:
- The student's Guild, for general student matters;
- The Dean of Students (or designated staff), for general welfare matters; and/or
- The Head of Department/Dean of the Faculty/Academic Registrar, for academic matters
- Students should always check on noticeboards, website, or personal e-mails, for information from administration, departments, students' guild or any other relevant USJM authority.
21. Sports, Games and Practical Activities
- All sports equipment must be handled with great care by students and must be returned to the store for safe custody after use.
- Any damage to, or loss of sports equipment, uniform or facilities by students shall be reported immediately to the responsible officer.
- No students shall attack, insult, or fight the referee or any official appointed to manage games and sports, or a fellow student, or otherwise interrupt any sports activity.
- No students shall engage in or support any activity which is harmful to self, spectators, or participants in a sport activity.
22. Demonstrations and Related Actions
- Demonstrations and other forms of civil disobedience shall be held subject to the following rules:
- Approval of such action by at least two-thirds majority of the relevant student body;
- Compliance with the laws of Uganda in force; and
- Giving the Vice-Chancellor not less than 3 days' notice of the planned demonstration.
- Any student or group of students who obstructs or interfere with the work of an official of the University shall be subjected to disciplinary action under these rules.
- No student or group of students shall obstruct any part of the USJM or stop motorists or any other persons from using the USJM and other roads and paths near the USJM.
- Any student or group of students who disrupt and/or attack other students, University officials, or any other person at a University activity commits an offence.
23. Conduct likely to Cause a Breach of Peace
- Any student or group of students who engage in conduct likely to result in a breach of peace shall be subject to disciplinary action under these rules.
- Disciplinary action under this rule shall not exclude culpability for a criminal offence.
- Physically fighting or exchange of blows within or outside the University is prohibited.
24. Health Regulations
- Students, on joining the USJM, may bc required to go through medical examination by a health facility identified by the USJM within a month from the reporting date.
- The USJM reserves the right to require a medical examination on any student any time for a reasonable motive which shall be explained.
- Students who become pregnant shall be require to report to the Dean of Students/responsible officer for guidance. A pregnant student shall submit a medical report to the Dean of Students/responsible officer.
- Students admitted for practical subjects/courses/programmes shall satisfy the USJM authorities that they are medically fit for the programmes. Students who are found medically unfit for the programmes/courses shall be asked on health grounds to opt for other programmes/courses. Students enrolled in programmes/courses which require a certificate of health fitness shall provide the same annually.
- Where a student must be absent from a lecture in order to see a doctor or nurse or any other health officer, he/she shall notify the lecturers concerned in advance.
- Students who seek medical attention at any time away from the USJM during the semester shall report back to the Dean of Students/responsible officer.
- Smoking is not allowed at USJM in any building or any other place where tobacco smoke inconveniences others.
- The USJM is committed to ensuring a harmonious living for all persons. Students with special needs shall inform the Dean of Students/Responsible Officer.
25. Attendance of Lectures, Assemblies and Other Functions
- All students shall attend all lectures and do all the practicals, tests, tutorials, seminars, and other schedules, and attend all assemblies and other USJM functions, etc., as set on the timetable, except when allowed to be absent by the concerned authorities. Permission to be absent from USJM activities shall be obtained from the Faculty Deans or responsible officers in writing.
- Students shall respect the lecturers and all course facilitators in and outside class, shall be orderly in class and switch off all mobile phones during lecturers and examinations/tests.
- Students who fall ill during the academic year and have cause to believe that their illness is of such gravity that it might affect their ability to fulfil academic requirements shall inform the Dean of their faculty and furnish him/her with the necessary medical evidence to explain their absence or support a request, for temporary withdrawal from the University.
26. Examinations
- All students shall observe all examination rules and regulations as set by USJM authorities.
27. Dealings with Employees
- No student may hire (whether for pay or any reward or grant) any employee of the USJM for a favour or services related to his/her official work.
- All students must give due respect to all employees of the USJM and members of the public.
28. Freedom of Worship
- All students shall observe principles of freedom of worship and shall neither impose on nor coerce others to neither join a specific religion or sect nor engage in activity that is deemed to intimidate, prohibit or threaten those who practice their religion. However, functional practices that encroach on freedom of others are not allowed, such as overnights and crusades.
- However, USJM is a Roman Catholic-founded University. No student or a group of students shall involve themselves in any religious activity that is against, abusive and undermines the religious principles and philosophy of the founding body.
29. Sexual and Other Forms of Harassment
- All students shall comply with the Sexual Harassment Policy of the University.
- Any form of harassment, including but not limited to cyber harassment, religious and ethnic intolerance, are prohibited and constitute an offence punishable under these rules.
30. Motor Vehicles and Bicycles
- Motor vehicles and bicycles which may be allowed on the USJM premises shall be packed in designated places.
- Every vehicle/bicycle shall be driven/ridden at not more than 10km/hr on USJM premises.
31. Compliance with University Rules and policies
Every student shall at all times comply with the rules and policies of the University in force.32. Vice-Chancellor's Powers
The Vice Chancellor has powers to exercise any of the following disciplinary measures:- To discipline a student or group of students in accordance with these rules;
- To give verbal or written warnings to a student in accordance with these rules and policies of the university;
- To suspend a student from the University pending a disciplinary hearing; and
- To discontinue a student in accordance with the rules and policies of the University in force.
33. Penalties for Breach of These Rules
Any student or group of students found to be in breach of these rules commits an offence and shall, subject to these rules, be liable to any of the penalties prescribed below:- A caution,
- A written reprimand or warning,
- Suspension for a period not exceeding four weeks depending- on the gravity of the offence,
- Denial of a Certificate of Due Performance,
- Indefinite suspension pending a disciplinary hearing and in the case of criminal offences, pending investigation and/or prosecution,
- Dismissal from the University
- A temporary or permanent prohibition in relation to access to and/or use of University facilities/premises or participation in University activities,
- Refund of misappropriated funds,
- Monetary compensation or physical replacement of damaged property,
- Payment of maintenance and/or replacement costs for damage to facilities and equipment, and
- Suspension or termination of activities of a student association or body.
34. Procedural Matters
- These rules shall be enforced in accordance with the principles of natural justice and established procedures.
- A student who commits an offence under these rules shall receive written communication of the offence and be required to respond to the communication in writing within the prescribed time.
- A penalty under these rules shall be imposed in writing by the relevant officer of the University, addressed to the student, explaining the offence committed and the penalty.
35. Right of Appeal
Any student that wishes to appeal against a penalty imposed under these rules may appeal to:- The Vice-Chancellor, where the penalty is imposed by the Students Disciplinary Committee, or an officer, or committee of the university and any other officer or committee of the University;
- The Appointment and Welfare Committee of Council, where the penalty is imposed by the Vice-Chancellor; and
- A court of law, where there is dissatisfaction with the decision of the Council.
36. Amendment and Revision
These regulations may be amended and/or revised from time to time by the competent USJM authority.Appendix I: Disciplinary Action and Procedure for Implementation of the Students' Regulations
Matters of indiscipline or breach of USJM and students' regulations shall generally be handled, as the situation requires, by the USJM Management or the Students Disciplinary Committee. Indiscipline relating to academic matters and irregularities shall be referred to the Academic Registrar for appropriate action.
1. Introduction
A student commits a disciplinary offence if he/she:- Conducts him/herself in a manner prejudicial to the good image and reputation of the USJM e.g. stealing, robbing, fighting, etc.;
- Commits any act of dishonesty or steals;
- Breaches examination regulations;
- Is insubordinate, rude to, or uncooperative with authority;
- Neglects or fails to fulfil his/her USJM duties/responsibilities;
- Commits any act of indecency;
- Dresses inappropriately;
- Is convicted of a criminal offence in courts of law and the offence is prejudicial to the good image of the USJM;
- Divulges official information to unauthorised persons;
- Assaults or is rude to anybody
- Fails or neglects to attend or observe punctuality at any official function;
- Fails or neglects to attend to his/her personal appearance or hygiene;
- Practices favouritism or is corrupt;
- Fails or neglects to handover USJM property to authorities at the end of the semester;
- Uses abusive language; and
- Breaches any of the students' regulations.
2. Procedure of the Students Disciplinary Committee
- When the Dean of Students/responsible officer considers it necessary to institute disciplinary proceedings against a student, he/she shall inform the student in writing of the charges against him/her and the date on which the student should appear before the Students Disciplinary Committee. The Dean of Students/responsible officer shall also inform the student of his/her rights to respond to the charges, to defend him/herself in writing if he/she wishes. The accused student will be advised in writing of the date, time, and venue of the meeting of the Committee.
- The Students Disciplinary Committee shall be composed of the following:
- The Minister of USJM Affairs who shall be the Chair of the meeting,
- The President of the Guild,
- The Vice-President of the Guild,
- The Secretary of the USJM Affairs who shall act as Secretary to the Conunittee,
- Two members of staff to be appointed by the Dean of Students/responsible officer, and
- The Dean of Students/ responsible officer.
- The committee shall receive and consider charges of violation of students' regulations. The staff members' role in the proceedings shall be advisory and in case there is voting, they shall not vote.
- Disciplinary actions shall include but are not limited to:
- Warning the student,
- Reprimanding the student,
- Asking the student to apologise,
- Asking the student to replace the damaged, stolen, or lost property as the case may be,
- Others as outlined in penalties section,
- Recommending to the Dean of Students/responsible officer that the matter be referred to higher University or relevant authorities,
3. Communication of the Decision to the Committee of Students
The decision of the Committee shall be communicated to the accused student not later than five (5) days from the date of conclusion of the case.4. Students' Right of Appeal to the Academic Registrar
A student who is dissatisfied with the decision of the Students Disciplinary Committee may appeal to the Academic Registrar within seven (7) days from the date of communication of the decision.5. Academic Irregularity
- There shall be an Academic Irregularities Committee to handle related matters.
- The DVC (AA)/res onsible officer shall be the chair.
- Other members shall include, but not limited to: Academic Registrar, Dean of Students/responsible officers, or University Chaplain/responsible officer.
- The matter shall be handled according to laid down procedures and guidelines.