Games And Sports
There are number of recreation and sports activities at the University. The Department of Sports and Recreation offers welfare and sports skills services to the students through a comprehensive, dynamic and exciting Inter-faculty Sports Competitions scheduled to take place during the First Semester of the each academic year. The games include:
- Football
- Volleyball
- Netball
- Board Games
Dear esteemed readers, I greet you in the name of the Almighty God. University of St. Joseph Mbarara is one of the quickest developing institutions in the world especially in the sports department. Students participate in various sports activities which include football volleyball and netball. University teams are in place and most of which are active and others are being developed as shown above.
As the sports ministry we participate in various competitive games both within the university and outside the university for example, we held the western inter institutional sports day in 2022, we played a graduation cup in May 2022, inter faculties for every semester, we have also played friendly matches with the sister institutions and other teams such as MUST football team, MUBS football team, metropolitan International University football team, Kyera agricultural farm football team, Nyamitanga technical institute football team, Nsiikye Nyamitanga fc, Nyamitanga college of business whom we competed in football, volleyball and netball and we have been able to get a big percentage of the positive results due to support from the administration and commission of the players and fellow students.
We are looking forward to promoting the sports ministry at the University of St. Joseph Mbarara through the help of the administration and co-operation with the students, students body and the players.

Come and join the mighty university of St. Joseph and enjoy the fruits in it.